Shear-thickening fluids can be found in your body. The synovial fluid that coats the joints in your knees and elbows is shear-thickening. Usually, this fluid is not very viscous, so as to allow for free movement of the joints. But if you bump your knee or elbow on a sharp corner of a table the synovial fluid comes to the rescue, instantly becoming more viscous and cushioning your joint from the painful blow.
Along with throwing knees and elbows, your fists are yet another piece of equipment you can use while doing close combat training. The nice thing is that with all the different ways to throw a punch, you have a variety of options for where to hit your opponent.
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The hands start close to the body about three to four inches in front of the chest and between the shoulders. Both elbows are down, and the shoulders are tension free. Some players prefer a little movement back and forth with the hands and shoulders to keep them loose. We call this position the power position, or power alley. 2ff7e9595c