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Lotus One Shot Kit WAV: A Fusion of Live Recorded Instruments and Fresh, Creative Content

Inside you will find 224 loops and one-shots across 460MB of content, including 3 mini-construction kits, to help you get your ideas flowing as quickly as possible! These beautiful samples are delivered in 24 Bit WAV Format, with tempos ranging from 84-89BPM, and acidized, so they change to the tempo of the track you are currently working on. This pack is perfect to add some mystical, Eastern vibes to any Hip Hop, Lo-Fi, Chill Trap and Trip Hop productions!

I ''0- i ,1I jSnTY-NlSTII YEAR. NEVV YORK, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1871. - TRICE TWO GENTS. ' -Hdr. greeley's uds or to tiie autlbsscntLDitKS or uie ronissr.the Opinion af Irreverent Itnl Men wue.Hnvcn't Ilentl the I. Meat Works on Airrlctill lire The Client 1'iirnier' Opinionon the 0.ililinu ul' Women Toting..Dtre.pondence ol Hie fut-.Oimgx 11 at, Wis., fc'ept. 0. The audiencoWhich (.reeled Mr. Oretliy In Oshkosh lust evening:stes very fine one, numbering at least 1.J0O pertons, Ttey frequently peeled tie dletlntultitodlaaaker with rapturous ap.dxuio . Clad In thu well'known whl.e overeoat and a well-worn suit of blackbroadcloth, Mr. Greeley appeared on tbe stszo carrjiiij, under Ills arm the manuscript copy of lilt leetare, carelully wrsppetl In red bandanna handktrIhlef Hie woman question It one on which Mr.Qrerle) It pccullsriy kirpi'i nnd List night he wasIn bU plcattntett mood, He denounced the womenMitators In the itron-ut terms, end scattered lolb tecr winds cf hearru thslr atawllcn thatwoman In thbi coanlrr I' nude tbo slav e of man.Tbe equaB, said be, who carry to tbelr lodge thedeer Cul tbelr huitanda aboot. are (Imply lollor.lag out Uod't purpose. II lie didn't lutcnd thattbey sliuuld do to, the necessity tor It woul I be re1 moved. Tbelr auibanda' bcailt would be inoved toenrr) M Ce tbcmaOlve!. Mr. Qiecley addtdthat it wts Lard to tell what tbe women reallymated, or Ib. y dccd thtlr rlzt.ts. In Now1'orU -uiue of tnr.l detun led as i right that tbeyIi03 d to Ulluwed tOitt s ror. Tnr ratsiptxcr,gmry two husband", nnd live In Hit name l.nuiorim OjiIi. l'hls rliht, Mr. Utcelc) rerretted tonr, ui..ny perrons, Inclt-dlug several ctiliors nudHvtyers f celebrity, icosiieJ willing to accord them.In Wionlng they deiuaudel tno rlxht to eit onlurtrs, bars murderers, and, for all ho knew, drli.UItu auJ smoke. In Wisconsin lie did nut knowRb Iff) wauled, but he Loped lor their own takesliny who more modtrutu In Weir tlenanus.IVonv, be and, Lad a rlgi t to pet theirhtisbsn 'a ahd tu.'se tin bibles that GodiU.l.t .Ire t hex. Mr. tlrceley coulluued Inlata I'rilo lor moro'liiin nn hour, and re. eu beItt down and drew lil nest bsndkircllofacross n.s luce and iold eictac1rR a about of appilule went np that shout, tl.o bulldln; tu Its cenlre.The newspaper, hele sp.-ak In the hljjbcit ler.uiof i r. llurlej'a tfiurt. and In this they but exprctitut tintuviit of the auJIcncr, which w.u mainlytonipoi-d of tbe and nc.ilth cl thecommuhlty. Karuiera. lawycre, mech nlcj, Concret'iurn, ai.d merctiai.ta attended, and ill J tutlint tin. r applaute. It It ceitalu It.ul the Inhabit.tiito ct 0..iLo.t. bav: idr. Uiw.i.y to jo i,!ttb uituan quettiou, and will aavport h!in It r an;office wnrre bu is array .1 againit that Isuu.LIUCCtll Ol'T or UCU UEIOUE 1.VTPRKK.1 t.ia tuomlni: at tho uuieavnabie hour of 3 Mr.Orerit naa ir.u-cd iYuin bll Tvnrin bed andtuiifxid Into a train for Una placj. Altera tediousrlae ol tLree hoara be orrlrcd, aud uaa tikeu Inband by lie Hun. V. D, l'u.'iir, atnhoie boiucbe lll remain over Sunday. Shortly alter bit arrival, a e inmunlcailon T.-as put luto lila lands from1 t telejiiou of Indians from Itie SlccklrlJ--Ulnomonep,Onild:, and llroiberton trlboi. r-- tt;iw;4)i'--. -el. sei-r?.-.--rationa lew inlUs dl-tict, on tho shores of GreenIliy 1 1. (jieclcy bs kcccrled tho invitation, an 1fill ri.i ut tn Mocday at It o'clock. Tbewi Indinn u.t 1. r?elv erjrazed In arlcultntal pursuits,tod d -i e to atjll tbcmiclrcj of llr. Greelet'sKkit.- -iTt KX iWLEoaB or rauuixa.t 1' in iritid that three thousand Indians it 111aJJ-. uibl? to pay tliclr respocts and listen to theMon'.i 01 vltdom that will fall from tbe philosopher'-llje.Tbe Mu.ououco t.lbe are not greatfamr 'Jh r,.ni thuLr t.nte orluclsally In fliiLey. Iiuii'-inc m.d KetunX drnnk; 1'llt th'y willTaerrr 1 com I i- Mr. Orcley npd It l to b?JjopJ w.ll listen lo Mm rrs;clVy. There Isar.otli.r irl e mar U.bkcsli callod tho Cluppawus.Tbe) are Iru.-.-lcrs fiom Ibe oriz'inl Itlbo. Is .111 J. irreclaimable Indians. They don'tkaow ji.y bluz nt all a tout larmlnir, "n 1 one of themwhen :i i"achrd on tho tub J ct of tills tcceptlonrt to irreverent as to say that borii'.s'T us. okeclkt pid.Of 01 :-e with such depraved natures as tee itTvoul c Imrotiiblc lor Mr.ltlrreley to do ai.vthl'i.r,ml he 1. very gli 1 that the Chlppewrs will no:tike In il.e reception. Ti.oc.tucr ludlins arerer cl!' le iaTace, tnd, cicei t the wicked Menoracnnt, ii' inUrlnk lite water or tcln antbody.Tlit ill alien said thut tho priniipil farmersaaioiK tbtm deslrtd to ireiri.t or Mr. Uroelc)'.laiptctii 1. some of the tpcclmcua or their 1 rodoctr.Mr. Oioiley exputted great cra'.i9catlon at this,and said I10 was dl umrd to tie such pro:rcstimonc tlio In .l-ns, anl tint f their br tbren ont'i p!i.ii nouid dij 1 vimliar li.'uils Of uiduilrfJ ' steti.ouu eoon bare n tettUimtLt ol the IcdunJ jioa-.nn.I Whtro tlm U'opirn Vote.1 Tlie Itepubllcms claim u i i'jmlly in on trancliel tbe Wjtmirx Lei'ltlalure, ohlch wat largelyDeaiocritli last tear. Ab 'Ut one "lx'li (if the volesti in L.naii is cuuu'y w Mbyomen. The con..lyilT.ta .arse Uerno- lutic r-ajorlly.Itl oir.uii't lutellrct Itero.inlnd.Tli- ) anel eiter, England, School Hoard luteetui' m u ieMytd to en. ploy ino tanti eliai lep-t" i .t tu.tort, Hlihuot dltliuition ol y s.tbe suinile ot n I luihln Mcrrhani In .llm.dottjul it-ret,Jubn ( . tdwardi, about 45 yean of eje, nrsil'l y nivalin from ADalaelilcli, l-'.orl ls, cuinrife . 11,!, -le litt iiltrbl at 1 10 Macdoiual street, byilojl u-1 in t if tbio'iili the heal. Mr. Uj.ard,lei m2jr!iii: from Ilrlchfs illesmu of tinkllue -, r. me cl (mil t le fc'uuin about two monthtto 101 11 ci'.,cal t'rain.uin. He look a room on theIj't i'ie. tad j land hlni'elf tihiltr trealment !I)r S ,1 c ark, Hi We.l l!utlon street, fm wboretear in , , 1 , , ,. iiru.,i n qjuujrs 10 M .e .011-M ivk la-t n-:ht Mr. EJwards sent hn r,urwKirwui , 11. ( .ik k. .t him In hi r . 1. luBfduir , at.ertie il. ,v,i,it 11' th.i nfr-e lie khi.lsirn..i. ii,t !je.,,t sirt veil tn w.-Ofta, it. .1 i. ... j. in,(lc rrmi i.oi 11c vacant, tnr InBus of the l.ou-e cru m t iwuie ul that t.-aucdy.las in ui w.. luuud HI Cu'im.l.iii, nu.l tned-tJ'' v.. i.t n 1 nu r' 'ir, I n Duly l. and over 01Jt m a. 11. .11 : wtilcn l it riLt aim .'er,i j 1 A 1 ir-e rnoin r w. hlna on the t t r," i' 1 .i cr..i led to 1 l.,s hind, aim li.v b.ou.i1 c' a v . lw 1 rjuc'.lv 111 tht cent' u'' .t il Mi h a.rla lo.vcs a anl"""il .n Aalc hula, !.i eldest d-ushttr bflnc"'luta,J ll'Ueiih's l .meiiil -103,001) l'eteoua inA .Mleniliiiii i',m i .(iir ox.1rr, Sept. 10. Tho funeral olK'Olir'l. 1 . osruiinii, timli plaro here to da' .Jit yjiiiirie rv ftit;.' r.a.'J:f ,', "'. '.' ' o.t-b.-i f 1 ( 01,19 h r.itnre 1 tinth -'J J "' Ci.i.eouie vtut o aiv t thath..L'."". . 'te 11.0 leinamt utie Ueioiuadmu. ti din ice ,I'mUblr .H.urti i- by n hiiii.i..I,nr.' '''"'1 in u fnmuy row in tlie tenenicnt"I.i U .irert Uihhd I'oiei Nolsn, G5 )eat of'I' . ncaw o'ilall-.-. his son In-law. O'Mtilley' o. iuau ., a col, and kickkd blu Init lug Mid rui. r'y puttum out hit rlabi0 ji , V. lr 1! tlp'auiily li.tsr'ored, amibl ,, , ' 0 r r K ,CJp Hem. J All Here- t W '-'"TMn-'oiia,iuiiiiii.,Triir1, , '": ' ' 11 I'uiee Huueon biiVillo,I'.i, 'i uii..t tenons. Nuin ill.'td V "''u1 ' Jkc 4 H'ii.).a.mai;si. tt, (vl. Itoniiei'k Plyir, it-ti h fl 11 p.h '" 'lii.y mile ir. Ilcniiei's hay nuio To.Cu"'"" on Uie Usetwowl I'oikv t,"1' 11 1 l'""tUim ivtr tuide i'U ti a'"'"., ,' '." n Vi" 'i''," "f" H ""'i'"r,. , 1 iiud.y after 1r111tl11n.n1''i 11 1 if,'".'"' ' ''" " w" tiiiiiwii 01., am.Kit . 1 1 " ' "-d uueu no 1 iiy.ou 1 10Ho '"",' I'liiliiatimiiil Ul.loil In llnvil- lt'"r)J4 ,l1' woid while from theirf"' aElH"' Jbnoii. of II Ulmnre, w.11'm, Vi-V "' Jol" ' Ildeii, ol Nowiue cujcaoo ciivncn lr.ut.Incitement In Christ Cbureli Vetler.lavTiie Ilevi .11 ri Cheney not Keroarlicl Inlit Own House of Worship liv lllthopWhlteh.inse -The ninhop'n .'Innlftito.Correiconaence ot Tlie Fun.Chicago, Sept. 10. According lo previous nnonncemeiit, Illshop Whllchcu'c, accompanied byDr. V. Kellr, wentto Cbrhl Lburch this morn.In?, to administer tho rite of confirmation. Theplace as filled to tbo sidewalk Trlta curious spectators. Kipcctlm trouble, the Dlflmp, with tlieKey. Dr. Kelly, came at 10,'jT to the vestry room bytbe tide entrance, accomoalned by Mr, Albert Crane,tho Junior wirdrn, who had met him nt the door oftbechutcb, Mr. K. II. Phillips, tho ttnlor warden,was Malum with tno Ilev. Mr. Cheney, who was inhis sutpllce, bands and scarf, lo receive the lllinoplu the leslry loom.On ll.e liirhop's entrance, Mr. Ihtney steppedforward, snd eiteudUs Ms baud eald, "Ooodmornln;, llltlion."Tno mliop refused to return the salutation, andstld, "Icinuot recognize jon In anyway In Ihstzarb." Ho then turned to the wardens, and ontheir Jf irnce, In reply lo Ills qneitlon, that .Mr.Cheney vrae rector of Chrlt Church, bo demand"!whether they claimed tint he was a presbyter ofthe dlocr.e of Illinois. T h? replied that this wisnot the time or placo for nuy dlscn tion of that tubject. They Iben tol.l the lliihop that they shouldtu no way oppose bis oaK Inline, takint themole or sn part of (the ter le t he rtn ised ; thatho could dliecl tho ttrvlces, Mr. Cteny t.iklnc anyput. cr none s but that Hr. Cheney mul not bo excln led from the etiancol of his own cliunlt. Where,unon the lllfl.oprtad the luK.mlr.z, .yhlcli he badprepared beicie lenvlns his linm-:Tli rushon"' Illinois hr ifli-'rs1' (V d. I !iae com?tntnlsiiarnh ntt'hrl.t Church in ' rn inMi.i tiir lu--linntorieieiienn r ctu inul r.i'f 1 iv .im nt ,s-.itio 1,nfur due n',ii.or tiie e.iuio m ei i.. 1:1.-.111.1 nv tin- amlioilty . f Hi' u ,td-ii, t find nijrell ul'.tmu.vd l:i ti j inluhii.u' o' lay ilnties lo Aluanii r wh n 1 rlti . r ! i-., re'j.ect oR"!alI r.'ii le v a'!i)i n:e to dl.tivuiii. n I which 1 have noa'leqnat'' iir-ans 11 r-n'oinr. 1 nin mil nr d. aih-irar, .tt. ikUi'.i'Ofi t'AV (.'aTlVriUe MAM ni I Hit nWitffull ii'i-t ."CKnowunxs anl irecieo ns worthy andrnmpeutit 1.1 1: hn I nt ine ailaa a luluuier a.'iftaJedsf er tilt.: t. Ids t.etra rroi.i hit ofleif.In 1 In' ehm. h i'fiin.1 t'ns tus'iit aul hlndrsnca arelm- oc 1 i'j on r.e ntier my renieoiirsnen Hir.ltit Ittun'-wnlrite a 1 IiisiilinnHni"rti 10 my i-p.rpal11-1. horny. 1. 1 ilon al.n lu ill" I at.' or the wai nluj 11toifeOictcn II11 ailiiiinltriion of the aii.1 Invnlsie tn that rot ill u an ov-rl tiurpj.etof. psrnt' uaili.i irj.ti 'J lawiul and liial'raanlern.:n-c'lonlt'i the 1'rotesMit llelscajsl I ntireu ntlm I'nilril fiater. an Irun tbo rt'..eeie of lur.iol). ofwnun 1 i.itreiriT.oiTipdii.'.l st irlinal nca I.lVr till mal'f aianre Inm ul lo acrtltion 10 the morala d eilristiieal rleiinit'iney and tho violation ifoftlc'al JJcrnuni, ou t w-id. it. arc le-non'tlne.anu 11 in . oinviat ehsiacitr ai Ilii'.np of the I'loc.-te 1hcreorrnici unsolemn protest, but undr tils i-Juryan 1 com-.I'e.t.n I' ive ro honorao'e atlertisilvo tut 10turui.t to the 'ercc snd (etlro from theeauicj.Mr. Ci .me excepted to tho state-tents of the tper, eitc il y tho iil'cslon to lores." earns ', ,'U ,1-1' . . sy eniiatie hi'.ver had 'en iIn t'e H'shTi'imv In the 'n'l rerformancu of 'IsClcl il . utw ; and the hunt lew closed by theward-in strain ot.erln" the llisl ip tl. lull dlpeHon r.nd control of tie sen lei 1 tut cljtmnik' thnt, o H'shop iiij n riant to cjc'.ide iioiu a churci uson p.torTho li or, ttl'l drellnlrs to cf.lelate, tenk bisloatc, llr. Ilellv aceoniranjtni hint, lhc llishupreturned In hi oun cam i.e. wnlc.1 had followedthat of VI r. Crar.e, in widen the !)i-!iiid ivj) takento tho cliutcn. Tho protet was not nnedMr. Citi.ey and th Ili'Lop both nfticiatMl afternoot a it e renin tt their respective ciurcLts, butnelttrt alindtd to tne dlf.l(Ult,7 nn Jit Dsox vmii'.ii h.iji.l'athrrtl'HiilllTnii lilicrertlv Kerpliic tsvnyIrnm 1 hn Uxelted I'ai lliloner.Hcpjn.v, V., Sept. 10. TUo mcetinj? cf themembers of ft. .Man's parlti at HI. Mart's Hiltlast evinlui! was largely attendeJ, and the sc ionof tbo Vljlhneu Committee on l-'riday In retolvlnsto resist to the last ettrcmltyths relnilstement ofl'ather O'Sulllvaii was unanimously approved. Astrong entrd wm placed around the house of worship list ulxl.t and this tnorcirs. Contrary to ex1 relation, Falser O'fulllvan did not mike his ap.pesranco. and no nervi.rea were held 10 da). Acrowd 1: then J aiound the churcn th.s turcnoonut tertti.1 nrnr preyail-d. It vsa n rrtmneliuiIv .11 tli" day mat l-'utiicr U bulilvun .l.a'ti ls-.t evenln'4 to a inciia thm rlit' at he would no tm It rn. atij the er nvd SMO'iallvditcmed. 1 1 e libels re thin anl unite 1 111 1 heirtKruilnaii n t pr, vti 1 U'.-ullivau or any t tuadl eien'.s ti "n c.t. rlM', ti Uiureh at all liar, re.s,undsay u.u'. ti.. , are piepired for an u,i' r; ut,A rcllceiiiniiS I'.i.i'nuiiler Willi One at' theMu'teeutli Wind (Inns.YcolenUy niorning, Oflicer Levins of tho'ill, cinth street police elation saw four men comin? out of 'i Third avenue liquor (tore. Tne oClcerirdi ed them to n.n Iro'u the coiner, and Mtei-ael(M'.ahan, who lives in Fecond avenue, Lear Sixtyfifth j'.iett, cried out, " To b with you, you." The finally moved on. the tCicer fol-Io-silc,on hl btat. At Kcond aveuus and Sixtyr.tth sir. 1 1 '.all' ban turned. teU"rt t n lsrj;i stones,?nd tn.ule lor the officer, tnreatrtilna: to "ntiMcrt.'o .' tui'ahnu it'ts Rn illy prevaileduton bv h iriends ta 1 nur th bnne, 'l ho officerutmrid I. Is t slrol. When lie ir f'Mj.sxti ttreetthe 1 Seer neaid tome one ruunins iiyUhuid Mm.'fuil.'.nu, he aT Udlnuan With a oiicK, and rnililr xu on Mm. Tito oflicer pulled l is pistol and Ibiea.ened to shoot " t loot snd be " c illalian.The c filler fired lo frla-blcn the mm : bat C'aliahin,uu'iauuttd. olo-ed In and ttnKk tha o.tlLer u f'ar ulblow on the head witn tie Prick, the biool llowln:copiously from tie v. Hunt, lhu MnJiimn (...mii.u.'U tl.e oth't-r'n club, and .1 siruzttln lor its putt'ssidii en iid. Ih "1 w. 11 i ia p' i mlh bloud I'icintiie 1 tt. i r. . ni'.tl.iy rullid .i .1 nit-:, .1 0:1 the tdeyulk. none ul the larc" creml in" I'li'i about oll.r11c .'t'J iifsl-Ur.ce. Alur .1 n ini. L.iirju bt Callahan was t.ikeu to the Mnliller ol our Sntlnnnl lliimdn.The Cutntiiittee of .Va'iunjl lluiril ullivers, ofwimcIi Col. 1'ic l Meson ol tlm Thlrtevnlh Il-lmei.rIs iliilrioui), meet in the Ant"j unit Xvry Journali-flie to day, to p'epare w'ans fer tne nrEiuUaUmijf u N .l..-n;u Guard lull. Atsocmtlon. Tho tu jellol siliuutc nfie traetlcc hai at la't cl:llcii;id Ueattei.uou ef the Natl 'D.I Oujid of this aua othert-is'"s. Ihe recent luiirv.llouH aclilevenionts nt theK'.a'lsh tbljtiteers at Ion liru'1 at Wimbledonhue loiitnijuled to stl'imi tn luien-st In the subJm.1. Oni ol th ti.iili olijrtU ci the troimti-J asto.ei itb,n s tl e e-.tabllhiiia ot 111 LX.en.lve ntle riiruo'or pii'i-Ke'-v practice . Iilun ''. st aix.'S-i to tho cite, th - ofiiim. 01 ruliulib- vi is to t.u. xsinen. H4 evptc J,'. 1.1 ni. S:a,o Hoard aiip-alnte.1 10 tel. 011 bit c o it'll ; urat lor the use o: tlie s-Kte tnnpse.ll a' . lr r 'on 1:1 1 ; dv. iJ 1I..1I beore .) nv i . il enure .N.Kionil U'l ml v. ul oelllii III I W'll. til l new .-.i: out. A 11c iV II. 11". Ha1 mi: i' r. pruilcii.n"t 111 iiisrKim.tii 1) r will 1,0I., -li all ,ni'-d l.. llulnn 11 n is r,.t"u an entuur.'S uv ietii 1 to In urou "Inr m ti,e It..', i A jemt.nn,. .i-t . i . s 'it-.i.t 10 tto' lait ta an4 ia to far1 r 1:- o jo;..-.Imi.M'i ted til I lm .Iliinlrr ol Hr. Keller,I'L.iri.s I!. K 11. i- of M8 .Mntli uu'iiiitt wn,.itu 1. .1 iI-,hii Willi a tlmi! hhot In Hati-Uiv.t.rec It t 1 t n 1 Jay uis. t.w'ille no wasgnlni; homefrom tic C'ii!edon.uu uahies with lonia It lends.J.mes 1). nohue of Si vent flru street fiti.l rirtavuiiie wi seen lunn i.'nv.u). Il uinisoiaii lluinll;o.i 1 "lughl blm in a saloon, I lunj beulud ui.'.u' reetned n seti te cui un th bead, whichwas ut'i eiinl lo bv Lir IW..UH. Ktlitr w:i. unU'.ieto I it iiinv Itoiiohtiu as tie' mini wl.ohud tiiuck.J.n. li r. aiL. U. .''crt( i m..i ".a-Jvo,.i"k. al-.,mill lie itOrnte iu Lour, .vuuid I.11111 j4n.1l' 1iiiui in holuiux Uiii.uaui. h.i: run it. n to liltlimrie 111 11 i.irriaifi. I. l rt "I KUier be.n toouit. violently and tiuk rupully.Ike pii)iiii.m liiiii',( am. e fen.- t T . t Kellerr.onli. u"i r.'cuvtr. heiaeaiiC liobeut in 1 u tn. riui.ii 11.V1.S nialitn mid bs ittts t',.t itui.,ini itll.l ut'Uliai.l. DtliollUO was learii'Sli il. in:. 1 is htlj.Tiihis?iiI I'oleoniiiL' In lliuilord, Cuuu.riircr l persons wire poiaoinl in Ilanfonl,Conn., latt wiek, fiom outin; toittttoolt, inl-takiiijthe 'i lor lu'lihic .''il'. Twoin ono limily died eaiiyI. .M .V".'.i .tVieihtroiis iHiilte4.whfiaM-y,i;.nlii i" !' iwio poltoiivii, one ol wnom uled )eslerda. ,Tlie M)Mtt'rj til'llin Mniind.The Oy.-'or Hay myali i Ima not been clenreillip; i,u' t o liuiltsaloii ground that the bo))is tn-it nl I1m .Ti'iinie Hick ', wlm Is "till iniseinKnoni I in:, nl Willis li.Uitds in 1 isj.oitU witii theii 1. 1 . ui. il.t rlox li'uud on lm' mrpM'.(Jrrnl I' I in In lllii'iiiiliiulnn, III,Huhxum.tiiv, III., l-' l'l- 1'). A liio liti.c lastli' .1 1 ih t'lov 'd lhu Ac ml. my of .Mus e mid a hi'.ekol I ii ri in in lhu pint uf tne cil. 1. ts! tjiw jtv-- ". -The .liiiiei'n U 11ml .Iliinlrr.Tie rci.i.mis of ymin lliuiiii, wlm was soI null, iiniiileiad in Juliets' Wood ou -Me ocr isiou oftho irniii h (an. s. v.cie buiitd jcl'iU'1 hy the1' J .Mii.aui;.iliii At.oi itllnu.wmmmMiwmmamLIFE IN THE METROPOLIS.DASUKS 11KHE ASH TCZ." 11X 3 JIBHVS'B Jivvovrviti,The flinndest lllselny thnt Kver the EastHide V lllirsed-l') roteehnlct nnd t bluest)I.anlrina In Tnectl I'lnzil.!?fnntor Tweed's constllttentj teem determlre-lto meet the attacks made upon Mm Willi counterdemonstrations of ccnf.dcnce and respect. Verysoon, under tne auspices of the Tweed Central Onctnlzatlou of the Fourth Dlelrl.1, of which the Hon,Michael J. Sbandtcy It I'rceldcnt, a mats meeting Itlo be held In Twetd rlau, and Mayor Voa O'llafl,Judie Cardcxo, Justice Biiaudley, lllcbard O'Oorman, Col. Fellows, Col. Beaver, and puny otherprominent men will tpo-ik. Col. William It, Ilobertswill preside. The "Doss" himself will nppesr onthe main stand) and alter his nomination for reelection by Ihe people, addresses are lo be ttellvtredby dUtinenlthed adherents of Tammany Hall, theIllumination of every house facial llr? pltz.i la prumIsed, ami Gralulla'a full band will play. A brilliantll'i'layof fireworks and the attention cf Sic ba!lomis, the tinltliilni of a beautiful banner basins'on II ihe rorttalts ol Tweed m.d Hnndley, painted byJctrph iluhnscn, and the prisente nf over StMKKI1 ersons ere to be the other attractions. Hsr.1 of thonine wards composite the Fourth Senatorial District will contrioute Its quota of enthusiastic Tweedmen. Tbu ( ommilteo of Arrangements Is beadedby .Varsbal looker ol the Thirteenth Ward, and hason It surhwrrkirs as Col. Michael C. Muii ji. Alderman Coman. the Hon, Di-nls Hums, exCorenTITyti'i, Tlionins ehelli, Andrew l'mlrll, 1 a il. Wai-ti,.limns 8nlhvan, tbo Hon. llr. oil, y '. ( iijiuhell,f.iajt.r Wlinluu, lLrl ,r MatttrToui II 11 l triu, Aldene JO Cuddy, t.lil Jeiemliili Ouiuiau.fSnnzulunry Strnzulo svltli n Mnulnc In nl'ollie Mnlloii.Yesterday intuit'if, J. II. Munsoii cf llrldgcttt. Conn , was anested by nn oCIc r of tbe 1'lltyplnlti street roller stitlon, Mr. Munsnn Is rt lame,Cooil'lookiii, respectably eresiod scctl-uian. Whenarrested he was In Fnurt.t nvenue breii.lm; windows.Ho qulellr accompai.!ed tho edeer, and was lockedup. tiooa n'tir Ibe doorman saw Mr. Mtiii'onttMrn'iVed. lie"Wanir ftid acr o? lo'ieir.s hlsttii"down the escape pipe, Into which l.e bad aire .dystull'-d every nrth lo of l is clotlilnr. The doormancalled Officer I-vtus, who was tulK-rini: from u tuti n the nead received while aricslmz a uifhau )tsiermy niotuluz. II10 entered 1 1,0 ll.eharmless lunillc lintit.tiy beearnt a rjvlnir tninl.cMnnsin seized Oflicer lvlni, le .rlDi; oO the plattersnn Ids brad and uulltux out a hamlliil ol hair. Themen riappled! tut Van sun limuib theslrocti r man,and, tliousli the oSlerr hum; on, the m.liii.ic .aveMm a terrible eliaklni In t.10 cill and nut Into liiocarrl.lor. 1'i.eiice tne midinan drained blot towardtbe odice, I "Vint still strurg.ini.At tils Juncture herteant Itumstead beard tbenoise and hLtlenod to a.eitt tho oOlccr and ti.o 1.1 erillin. lly their cont'olned tfTorta they wcro ublu 10p. Id Hit) mau. but veto unable to get him btcl: mluthe cell until tiey Lad lattocd Mm. Tncu they couOud uji wilu ropes.llosv tliey Drove OiTn Slirrlfl.EH It, n Deputy tihcniT of Oswegc,canio to New York and attached tbu canal tuatMoaJiaaik. Iiiui ul ihe loo; ot liiii lrlfiy drti street.Srear was on board to tee tint the boat Is not runeff colli nsxt Thursday, when tbo boat Is to be t ildby uuctlon The ttcersmln. whose name could notbeontaiiiril, wanted to ttt ildol tbeoOlcer. Alterresortina uiiincct-slully tn various tactics he reso ved on force. Latt uutht he picked a quirrel withthe hcrltr, ami Iheu seized a ttool, Willi whlcc hedsalt nun 11 ciurdrroui ulotv on tho hesrt. Thebhrrltl vos lelled to IhJ dec. The ateertmau lanway. The police utic attracted bv tlie 01'iiSjrJtd look iJ.v.Vl U.C-dlU.ialD!il aUCiVu-iatlntt. llr. H'laun found a Innc end deeu trash on thelop ol the lit id. The wound was urcstcd, and pearwent heme.A I'rlze I'ltrbt nenr n (irnvrynrd.Johnny Unyer aud Thomas Collins of Urcoklyn qatrrelied 00 Friday nlcbt. and agreed to settlethe dls;u'e In a twenty.loar-foot rlnr, each pultlnsup 1:3. Early on Saturday mornltu the principalsand their seconds took carritcta at Kenton's saloon, ind drove to on a of the wbarres near WallMriot, tntwere preveoted Iron Isntlna- by theollce. Thoy then tliote to Calvary Cemetery,lorined a ring; near tbe naverard, and t efl hi. At li e end ot the thim louid, Lolltnt'teuiid l.trew en the pens'', and tho party re.nruejto II- okl)n. Ileryee ws,s htrilly totte'ie I. hut I'olIti rt eeivotl several toy i-e ra.s. it lilelt biji'koueubi eye and drew L'loort irom lilt uosullt.hltct In Weelimvkrn Arrested In !s'uv VorltJunpli I.ippcrt nutl John Ilrucn, both of H3West Thirty lint ttreet, went over to Yeeli.iivcDyesterday for n day's spree. Latt evenluir Join,llrswley of W'eebawkea, while wa.klnz slum: Nlleeavenue, was shot Is tbe rl:!H tnlmi. On Moxiu:baek he taw Lippcrt and llrurn. and. tut wsin;-il,ntone ul theui had ureJ the s..ot, said uttnici. tinf.dlo ved them tocua ovtr the terry t.i il e New Yorkbi u. ui.u nl.euat tlie itot 01 i'ori-second eiieriituc 1 ie I their arrest. T. ey wen) tauen 10 the Tnirlit: tn ttitsi police tiat.un an I lockva up.Wlint nn Ux-I'iillrcmiin Turnrd lila Ilntid In.Some tiuiu 10 Win. II. I.o Hue?, liavin- beendlsmitted from tbe police fires far m'scenuuet ucdneglect of duly, npeued at Gl Sullivan street one olthe most iliicrderlr tltneo bonnes In the F.lchlhWerd. ta'uruav 11 ml. I Copt. McDermoit nuue aweeui cn the 1,', and arrested tWniui-eeiihcs ami ci'le. Tbey alto 11 cured the piorrleiur.Hi, prl.nt cis were uzen to Jcdcrsoa M.rk.i ictteidn. lluet waa comuulte I, aaJ Uu othgra werehetd to bail for rood behavior.Alui-ni on n Courr Htiiiul Hour.Yeeteiday aftt'iuooii, whllo the ktenmer Norwalk w..s ou her up trip from Cone) Island, the Jawof cross head and the too of herctlinder wciebrukrn, thus dlM.!,nr her onslne. A little panicv;. createa uinou: ncr pns.nuir. uud 01, e nunrui fiow Ma liuioi and Jumped otirboard. A bo.i.tns iaered, an t be w-s icked up. Cant Wiltoiina.t.l u tu. uid tno tieatner was tuwed to herpier at til 'Hula s.iect.Tito l.itNt Cork Tight.Tliero was a coik I'uht ucar l'ollock'H saloon,Wctuawken, Mul.t bultro latt, between YinceuiWiiilan's pilots uml I'airlelt Jiliriuj'a dark-redsI'aliak liary held Die tiakes, fxl a aide, l'al Mull,and sot dead drunk.I'll 11 .In tltu I.lir.lnn Fields,llieio was only oho liaht yoitciday in theIU:. olan Fields, Ilnuoken, A man threw a Co:; intolu'Vi.ur lur tun, and the onneruf tho duj Uojeutho man lor lun.Dull Itlrr Auntn In I lit' Illni.Tlio vuriUblu uud iuiniiUlilo Dau Hice nppearaIhltwiiiia In the lul. I'av. lion Citcu lu Hioukljii.M. l'n ley .Niiiiniiltril.The I'olifo Comm. tiiuiiciu lnio iliMniticd St.Jo.'ti I'olcj't complaint auniiitt I'ollce aurc'. llickaTin' Hit 1 i.-l h rs' Uiiprullinblf dntiii'tlny Mcht'iWurlt lu Iluttiiid rstrerl.I'llly yeaieitiuy 11,01 Hint; iHicetive Joso 0.Ulnncr, of 107 West lliosuway, raw luu men eu.eruud leuio ST lltinid ttiett. H.lIi carried a bug.Mr. Kiniier lolluved them and sitw them enter 41Maikct street. Mr. Ulucercave Infrimallon al llirMail-on Uriel mutlou, aud (inker. O'llrieii an.lMa ny to. 11 luerealler loui 11 on tne third flour of 41Murtt tlitut ono of the met:, nnd iu Ms pot.esa onrartl tu i,aH;V.,h(nnll).' till goods. 1 he otheViuanhide.caued. 'II, t man arretted cavo his name usMjicut llstniund, Hu bad four skeleton keys. T. upolice then unit In lliuno ,V Daniel Illcbltr'a store.tin Itunard tiitit, wiiicu had Men enltred bybursitis, lli'iino liiente.-, woo icsidn at 137 HenryHied, wan I'alie.i up, nnd it w at a.eei milled thai thesioro had heeu n.biK-d 01 abuut (bud inirlh ol slikaoods. Mr. il cnicr nbntiileil me silks found luII.) menu s h in 's. The cruuner w.u li i ked up inhs-ex Miirhit I'l.lice Curt )e.t;rdav, penmnj tnenrrivat ol Ju-llce Uocli. Ulihn en.itll p. ecu 01 tinICiviiimid coiiti'tttd In plex tne luck 01 tut, tinnr.He ceully oi'ine.i 11 'ami is ptmltu mil, 1 cut y fuin luvcriule ii.oinenl lu tim fnrjl. ,ijjt Jmt urui .'niCctt'MldiTs'ofi .ii'i'-.iri.Tuii t.,e tc'tue ami t 111,1I iu I'rl'uii-'i' lack, I! iu.i"ti I iiill iui,n u bumuof the ufllcets '.ml tnoned inein hon l.o had uuiup.ulaicd IU Itc... Ju liet- Kucu lu.niiiiuud Iiiui,Win II 11 .tin 1, lei-fI,ast uveniiiK tho body of uiiinknown man wasfound lyme lu a atene yiinl n t nnal ami Cumnirrce Hi eels, New ink. The tdy was lint of u(leriniin, nhout 45 or DO )ci,i ol ;i:e. 1j was ullYJ id tl'ittiniii) nlcm wllh tt tillmr im-ii InC.11..1I l. 11. was liiloiie.ued, un 1 wiulu antjCuiiii cloui: the nil, el one of lint coinpauit'iis r,.ittetti to put hia hand into hit picket nnd t ika outstiniii iniijiuy. '1'uls tsaa tu the ntinnhoiiiuod of 11, uuna..'j'J avinw-k'-at t' Uw J. 'Iks lua'aLad been uead iweltoor lllleeu hours,A Jereev (,'lty Tiuaedy.Bevprnl tluya ago yuting Mr. Ward of B Cl.ukplace, Jersey lltv, was htdly notion about tbo hellby wrtujit uukuovtu, Uu dleii )slrda.Tilt: VASTL'H.V ItAllJlOAV llOItJtOlt.Verdict nf the Coroner's Jury The Ctmilnr.lor, V.iyl'ttrrt .Depot 31lcr. nud thel'rltlt.i l oittl Itlreeiorn of tiisj llontl HeldIteeronelblr for Ihe lllsnsier.DonoM, Hepti 10. The Corouer'i Jury on theEis'.crn iiallrosd disaster, aftsr bclr-if In f-shnuntil 5 o'clock this mornln.f, Sfrtcd uton a vrrrlittwhlc'i we? trantmltled to Coroner 1'crsnl'h andapproved by him c.bcut 4 o'cloclc this aflernoon,The follawin: Is Ihe verdH;That the personi then snd there lylni dssd came tothctr death ihrouith a collision or train, tin the, Kastt mItiilrotil nt about twenty lrluutet pa t a o'clock onthe evening rf tie !Cth day of Autnit, near the rail,rosd depot In Rovere. ...... .. . . .Kow, tbe Jurors further Cni that the dltect collisionwai caused py tno nenllscaro of .John tt. Nowltad, of the llorerly trala, unon which tthl p.-.ioiuweie thus Mil-diecrt Asuotl t). llrown. cnjlneer ofll.e colildtntj l'nllniau train,The former railed to iioilfy the Uttet tyslsnalorotrerwlse, mtt bis. the tall flowlaiid s train, had o!ndelayed on the road alter .larllui about theuty in 1 11ulet. ami tatd Xonland woul t hive knotvn, hsd hocnnsmied his watch, that the l'ullunn train was oyerduebr lie reintir luncin.' time win n the said .NowltuJre. hed llovere. . , , ,The enalncer of the rullman train hsrt an unob.sirrtd vc or e least l.stfa mile of Ihe lleverlrIt s o ne II nood at tho Ui put at llovere directly bcroiqtbe collision, and eoahi aau thnul.l hive teen the tallliaht f isld train in .talon to avoid lie collitlou1 he Jurv further nod that fiunul o. I. int. denetmsnter at Huston, wai remitt In duty lit not correctlyiransimtllnK Ihe order or tho tnocrlulouncntto the enatneer of the ftillnisn train lo lt.oout tor ti.tins ahead, taut depnvlnc ibe enaioeirnl Information mat inltrht have enab,ea bltn tu it voidtho Hcveriy trail. 'Itu mure remote rauie, but notlets c crum, 01 tno d istcr. was 1110 uelay In tint timeolftarttuR tho lleverly tiatnfrom tne depot In Boston,sa.'l deiav hcing cceailonsil 0 ffrrst Inailequtry 01rwliiic hock urtcnarr f.,r tho lain sad ttuiciy iraa.itof I'ns.eni-v'rt on saij road.Ina Juiy mrlher nnd that frequent delays In thetlr.10 or starting, orctiluned or extra t.r excursion trains, dilryen tno tnnnlau; 01 tho, remIsr 11 ln. thus auilluj to tne peril, of railroad travel, and tin uecet.hy of telezra; hlocoiumnuicullon witn trains of tlm rnad 1 tin' necil titIniLtoVi I apinla- i-t the sirnv of train. 1 Ihe ruktrnmOre aui'itllur the uie or etnloslvo flilOii thowant or attains alibi Httuns llraiieh. aid the enureteel'lei'i ty nl acuotfmodatioii have laiua 10 rereltatbatioti-i u nl te) th iri'-iiionanc tlenistiiieilwe thi'ii i. r, 11 id H t the I'rriltHnt anJ Ul tutors ofIhe I... ten Kai ioa,l Lorror .1 o' aio to arttl osfutru-PviiiibU n r tue hit of Inc aiort.a'd.-1 sn. i q i:n r j a J-" cn ls run.ItoblteJ nn I Miirc'eretl, rtntl Throsvn Under '11 Unllvrny Trnln-l'rtibiiblr nn Assnsslimllon tnr IMslit llnndrrtl llullnrs.On Saturday laihl, Ojorif s Mercer and FrankChapman lotnd the dead bod) ol a man on thetrack of tbe Now York aud Iio'.T limn llallroad,about City jtrcs noith of tho deput In Mount Vernon, Westchester county. Tbe expreia tralu ftoraSow York beini due, tho body was taken Into thtdepot, and Cot oner Mceka was auinmonod.Tile man bal been" run over by a train.His chest was cru.beJ, Ms iltht fuot cntol, andboth arras weielioLen. Letters and cirds ou tboooHy slowed It to he thnt of Thomas II. btseey.P'umler. f 1".'. Ttird avenue, New Yc-fe. Y."u.'cy tbe Coruner learned that Quteey residej InFcrdlam. Alter luiurmine. Mrs. bttcey of toedeath of ler butbtnit, tke Ccroaer ptocteJed tobol l itn inquest..V r.. 1 1 taiu thtt her bnshand tctcre-d I essevery Ll;ut In tie UiO train 1 on J wcntvsixilifirr-t. As hu fint r.i t re iru hnme os cmal Saiaroav n fcht she became very une.ts, tcasaiuci -is s.tesupposed he hat a hue sum of money ivith him.Hlo coaununlo ited with her brother-in ltw, Joi.nBtacey, ot HJih sirest, Mutt liny en. Inquiries resulted in leurnlnc that Le bad taken Ibe tram at t enitiil time. Hat he took le Moll ll.iven Inttea Iof the llariern train, and ri rarrled to .Mount Veruoo, tho drat ttuppii e in 1 e pf tntt tr.ln. arris inr,tuera a little am r 7 oVb .';. lb ui Ot lo the hut. Icras''t.k..'iwi',i'-u u-ux-Uu-u-tord'.aui,Mr. Wallace, the hotel la-il'oid, tais thutftieerwas tntoxlcted. aim Just t, t..e hi -e ur.-ve U3 tolhu door, the Ursl murt Ire 'M Iralu cnine In fromNew Yem. end l-t.irey started loisard tue nepoi,lol.oweit by two men. He npproachoJ the comlueor cf tbe train, tailn tha; hewautel to co toFordoam ; but Wlui infurmeu thnt ll.e irsln wscol nil ihe ot ler way, be went off. Just a n.e ualnstarted ho Jumped on 1:, and wits told b a brakrciauto tat rlT. 'I Lis It ad th t la of bis death.Air 1. Mticcy aai a that Mr. A, Garvry pain her listband JsoOua H.tutday aittrnouu, and taut::? moll er saw rlui place It In a )ello 'vopi and putit luto Ms Intltle coat pocket, and that ue was paree lly sober in roniE fro.4 ti e o&k. -1 he lui-ori 1. tlir.- 'j waa uluaced, fu.lowcJ,U-iie.l uud.r 1 lie tia n. at..' rn . JAt Mam'ord, cuuu , t. n ujt and town rrel2 httr.,i-is 111 I at ntK'ut 1 o'clui k. Arinur Are ,ur,oraheiuan on tne tialn, ti-attflej al the Luronei't li.qu.-t tl it Mies hane), biaxemau ou thoup train, lou I lm that thu train uuuiunoter audKillc I a pi 111 at liuuul Yt ruun.As li.e tram uid t-ot aioa HXvr it .lirl"il from thedeput, and ts tlie man w is ki h'd be)tmd lite teems serysiuul ir that trat.t suou ipi-suu,Ids oweiuan rnuitin I ntt it l.d kmiM e. warrau thefefoiu 11 1-. . i-m ar ."'.o.l lur t'e arrest t'l 11.11) wjeu La unuis uown lu-du at l.ib'c 1 e of II e inhaMlarts of .'lo'tnl Ye-non b 11 rethat 11. .ue, rot .ir I 1 ui an.l . 1 11 t-ff t...'1 11. In. Al all iii'tin till) Jll.JJ .oj-i u.. itoudy.21li: I'JttAtKH Of I'J li: dl'Ll'.TLo AtlneSi upon tsto Amerirtiti Yoasols efftbe lilrxlruu (,'t.iiat litt ltui-lt lli.-ittit rt'tiplureil-Netv Troubles ssllli .llexlce.WasuiMOiON, Sept. 10. I'apt. Thurjlon, of thaAtscilcau bark Droitcrs. lias arrived cl liaivctton03 t'i link ll.rvctl IIuu.c, The li.lvist.iu eorrespcudrico of the Ntw Oihuns Twin cuca the ft,.Iowiiic accouut of tbe ultack cn thtse ta.-U. by tieMexicans ell the coast of .M. null. In :liio ve.sels were lnaUni: at ituatiilan with mabejitu) ana oiatr frelf hit lor hiuonr. rVr to,ui bal Li-n-..netCain. 'Inui.ton had trouel o,!' or ' tv.i o, l,.au.iors, uud tat ir li, ends ateutu hesiii ft U, initio aa tusiiil lur ILu iritoueit. Cap. lhurs,ii reiu.e.i 10i.iye tiuiu up. taiii.t; he was luily apiu 10 t uoiitd au,itake i.t.c of 1. 11 uttu men. Ila 11a. lol l 1.1, Ino aa iuI'lin.'ci, ami hu limit eive U, tne meu. ill. oecuiiclou ta- le lhu eaptaiu retuing.tio hi - vti.tiauitijua !i api li.ckov ot the liai ven Heme oil oa..i. who unaUt-, 011 u lillQd.y Mill, bho.ilt' uliarward a ,nr y ufMex cam. cum or itn 1.1 uauiuer, cauic out iroiu1.10 b,,uir. 1 uueu aloi'K.iue mo 1'iui. , t-r. , anJ km uuootrd ptofessin; tilt ina tioio las crea.ett ir,outumii.ileir leatit. liamon It pohk eiut'a' l..f tu- eu 1.luiK'e 01 lau.slon'a vuset, was the ouiv oneuhu lOvko Kmtllth tt lute iea.c.1 urounci the tauiuiu,a 11 by a 1 ruti.tienei ptan. lhu Mixic.iut spisiirtuinein e. u.l. witn iitawa ravu.Veit aa.l cu. lit. ,duiiijii.lDi) the urmitlir 01 the 'hip Ihe ca; ..da slum.ij ".M'terC'Ht the .tttuu t uiu inn ,iuir nn itttit iu-oeuiu tiu aims of lau nuaut-t n.aii. who was thenr.j ll.e main uf the sulci, lu-hiu. li rward wuu lau0 11 1 1 .t's r v ucr. taut aau tun. a lupoiu.j,y t ais time up haunt itajut.iic"i ueek an 1 a hsnd10- . mil C.I. I ii-urd. fc tht of tne utlalklu.' parlytteiu ki la.t, nnd two made thtlr etea, e.t aii Liuiattit, kuovt,n,r if h- leiualced there hewoiiiil b a. tatked P) a ttij em.r leite, ' .....o.a... !i. .i,ed his anchor am I tried 1,. net ij s.a, inert' u 111 i.oni eeze h. t. a. lureeu t. tne luthe .man huata 1 .tliuvir. : 'iui, (0 ttitiie utci ttdiup ot watiror auI. inji 10 1 1,..l,i Hie i,.ii..i urn Cunt. Mekry had reiurued In hi.riti' Irt t - his anl j pi.iuna I'toi 'lntr.i i iriwu ooaisu .tu.-out iru it ...j . 'u e aid put ui.e,tuvtald. .'I. ut hu .Ul o "to tu t,o.t,dh'r 1111 .t lo tea tut ol 11. 11 ri 'i 1 ."1 licit ui.uiii it ,i.pieea uj. 11 ' .111 D eke! u ie iiitrol t-I iiw 1- .,ui.nlia Peo 1 ileal II t ur.y hu-t. 111 '.ui lou.l or m..(iu lhu maul in tuu Vti t tt paiiy tti'ie teteni) 1,.tUltly t'.iona' eaiue nut ituin .heie a ic tt hen wi. 1111 .i-null ui.l.mie ul I. nil. llicki) up.uM Uu tu'. Hi.t nri.i.ju.ih iillos uj.. a r.uvilser, In e .a a!ii i.- met h 1 U e i,"til Ino imiivAtra w 1 1 1 1. i u himth' lenailt. ui h.t snip, anu menet By ul t..c , ami 1,1 1 iciu. j iinu euia ei) to 11,0tuo.e. A biti zs .pr niliii; nn, Lap . I'.ikey a 1 un ,eih f it, 11. net. 111; lur ll,e tieait.i .luiuneau pnu, wn ehmi it:tivu...u Ins t..niiuiea meu ul bom yctiel.have peeu stui tu ihuiwipita a.Severe Mor'ii mi l.nko llrlp,Cllvtlimi, Sept. 10. Anollier veiy toreroetui 111 tuo I lure ou Luto Krie un hulurdny nixhtand uunday mornlui. Tim schooner Mary U, Ha.elelt this tort lur Huffiio wlm canto of coal oub.inii4.v jisU p-fil "'a fie l"ix al I"" JwWaei Jtf.lull kieell, tup.vti miles eutl ol I'U'Ulttuil.Ou uud4y iiuiuiiu a uu wnh a li'ctoat wentfrom heru tn l er u.aia'.anre, and tuund 11 e In 1 1'. lve leet "i w.itir and her crew lu cominunieilluii with the it' ore. iho bar;s Jacqueslurtur. lou n il wlio etavus irom ion .iu,tji buhal", t tlrnek by tlm fate o'l 'l-aad lin-i'.and 1 K. lino w.iier loxneil, IS,iu liarneil i iutei.iiiilwitn ii. Insa ' hei'i.tllii and lur 01 cl. hud. 'Hutschuuner (hililtn Itulv it lepuriud i.iliure nuur Doterluay, but no jiariicu,aia hate men ri-ceiveu.noi'Jis or i.iusi r.n,.lUi'JCi) .Sitf.UiJif.y'.S.r.i nrl.J .l2.Be twri'iJii-J.lo ine atitiiu of imr el ihe II re uu mil theatni.John lb.vlii, Ihe well knowu ooatmau, and Patri K Me I ,ttt,i.,u ti IH I'Oir iruin the llitilin lolltitlf'tl.i.inu ti.a itiuiu,u.i 11,111., ia aiic. utuu, l.i ).u,tide.T'. e Puclely of Atrleiillure end II rtleiillure ofWitioln m r ouiinii i'i"i I1"' un 11.11 la. 1 louitiirntflu Wli. u I'M. 1 1- I ' ii.i ami r-ului'tU) mu Iv uo notul. d lu i,ot 1 nn 1''n.tssusvion xorr.3.S'l'ic1'"!' Ilinf. Id lias iilurni'd to Wsshlnjloii.ft a in .:e. 1,1 eiai I ittwil , 1X1 'ilea lint ueek.A dt'i..eliii 1 nl of tin bevi'inli t'aialr) Ins been0111. ili.ii. il ... tt a. -111 thu tete. ua uulcert tutnui.u iwll ut.u t,II Is .mil ihiii two rompnnies ol Itilnnlry and oneof ratnlrt wi I iinnui 111 Italeian. !. C, duiiu.- theKtl-Kitix ll I t t Mb. ill uriin tin. w 'rk.The I'oii.iiiikMluiiiir ol Internal Ileveinie docldsslliut l.nt.l, t. ttaum lax iintlir rt hedule (,,mint have klitutpa aimed I rfnru Ihey leave lhu preu.' of the iiisiiiiiariutir, Irrespective of Iho kind ofpucl;;;" exyttifji iijr .pauju ih. tauie lita -tuu.0MURDER IN THIRD AVENUE.a SATVJSUA r TfimiT'n srJtr.E ix xuisxixi:i ki:xiii WAitn,A CelncM-neo wtilcli lutsht Imvo Unnted u?J.m 'ihp llMltr-s ,,! Joint CmT-Ttaelinilrouil .llcu'is rjpiee,L'cttveaj 1 cud 3 o'clock yesterday moriilnjJohn Cauley, better known as Hack Cauley, wasmurdered at Third nveuue and Forty-second ttreet,within a hundred feet of his boaio, wblthur be waattolnj. Oa Friday nljlit Wlltlim Couxhlln, an expollcemtn, now a blacksraltc, who resides at Fourthavenue and Forty second ttrcct;lavld Blake, 01 151Fast Forty-second street, and Thomas Murphy,eate keeper In tho employ of the Harlem railroadcompany at Fourth avenue snd Twenty-tlxtn street,sad who resides at 111 ISast Forty second street,wero roamlnz the Twenty-first and nineteenthWards. Tbey bad been drlnkini eotr.o but werenot Intoxicated. Later at night they were Joinedby Cauley, who Is a bajcaze master on ConductorIl.vueh'a train of tho New Haven lUllronl, nndwho resided on Third avenne, near Forty-see-ondttreet. Alter some further drtukluj, thoparty then bclnz In Tulrd avsuue, startod downtbe avenue, Intending to break up and so borne,ron 1,017 sit am. a inixo a xcnnr.n.Hear Forty-third street Cauley and Murphr, whowere walking sllzhtl to the rear of tho otl.ers, becaaio Involved In a qusrrol. F.ich said tnat thaoilier did not bear a Rood nitng. Tliclr talk wassomewhit txcltaJ, but no one had tho mist rcnotanolli n that cither men contemplated violence.At ?ortj -second street, In rctily to a rctnanc fromCauley, MiitphysalJ, "My character Is better tbaatouts, anyhow."To tult Cauley made some, reply wblcU elaborated Murphy, and lis rrlcd oul I" Ciuley, you're a d d liar,Cauley itiut? btck and, doubiln; his fist, alma 1 1stannlncb'.ow at Muro.iv's boa.!. Murphy sarin:Pjck mu escaped (he KloiT. la an in'stnt howhipped out Ms pistol, polntel It at Ciuley, andfired. Ciuiej cried out to Cosshllu :' BilM"" What Is It 1" said Couhlla."Oa, I'm shot," uid Caulcr, at t'u aims tl-nepret'ln: bis hunts over bis left hreiat.Ills friends supporied blai, anl UauiMla sskedblm borr ho felt."Ob, terribly 1" replied Cauley, at tho rime Instant slipping through their crasD audI'lLLlNtl to TI1C SIPtWAlC, DE.lp.At Iho same Instant Murphy turned and fled uptho avenue. He wis called upon tu ttup, but hek "'. 03. Ms silk rsp, ucli as Is worn by cnlarecsof li eni, binj b.'.n a t.l. ud subiuqnenily 111 Insj luio lint miidi ul tue police.llotiudimau I'anuin aud OlTii-..rj tUsen andHe;unoi the Ftrty piuth urn t polite were on tneS3ut very soon inter tno thc.liu?. The body t aniitatn to fie bta.iun, on I tit -ro It was aj,cerslndtnat C.uievha.l ben snot In the loit i.rcasl, liteball enter.ut near the nipln and peretratlt c audludttnzin Ihe neart L'apl. (Juinii r s.'lit ut men tosrnich tor tbo murderer, aud dciaiueJ Cuushllu audfialio t,s iiltno nt.Half an brttr a'ler tie tntir'er. OScer 0'H.irs,while latioli.n; bis beat at tseci.ed avenue andForty nintu n.'.et, n 1 iuau waUlnr uotvn thunvennt verr fast, vli.out a hat. Tho oflicer i.stl nrbeen Ins'.iuc.ed bv Capt. Ouai.r tu loo sharp lurttisrlclout pir.cas, uppio.ched tlio man. wnucn.stft.1 tie uvetiue ami kept cn. qtilckonln; bis.Ull i'.var.A.-.k fh's.-&Hr.Tf-rirrtt'1?.-Zir'Tut fcirt ive lurne I Into ltst Furuetn street audpti.pped In front ot 3li, tho ofJleer tnadowinz Dl.11.The biau asrrudej t id e.cp. and ran: tas bell.A I-OUCLIUN IN 031'UT.Tliere wat no res tonus, nn l tha rnai to ill out hisntcnt key m, made 1 11 uuaurcisa ul atiempi to openthe door. At tlu. juncaiu ;,.o ocor aprazcuudand . shed,' JV tiai to jr u want here 1"" I.IK- line," said th" n here's yunr hit" aked the officer.' 1 uoii't kueir at lhai'a any 01 jour buslneas,"wss reply.Tne iirhrcr told Mr.i Hist a man li iu been shot InTmrd uvetiue, nut' lunl tue ntsasnn bail iT-Me olfwnu, .ut Mu lint. At 1 is mo neut d jit i-"o'i n-d h eo ne oc Inahle fid the r.-i!ess msn ...t. red. 1 -aiini: Un' o(Uf-r on tbe ti Itwi ik. The o5ic. r hurried in t:.e p.,, ice .l.'tluj anl to!, I Cainl,Lt,iiif wuat hu had teen, anu tne Cuuuln prompi.ieeul id.u i .eU witn u..ur ot7iera. tu capture tnemar, Th.'V soon inurnM with the pritouer InCaii-e. At he stood uu booia Ihe dunk hu wasslIuUk !-ut li wlltitrtd, nil 1 alicseiher triSilitod atusiuiuut ap'iea.' C-j't. Clunnir questluaudhllu iW: si 1. tour name 1"1 Murplti," was I'm tiply." W 1 11 ib vt nr Brat n.ina f" ,'u-i .'" IVhtre lave you been : haw dldyonLn;r. Tora utI"Ti.s prisoner ml t ths l e ha I been down In the'iv..-') Uisi V,.tid Jie Deiruaey und tamoii.c.i. li... w.n'ed 1 lai la aiay, und hu wanituli. l" nouio. Hi l ',.,iH tore hiuiseii owttr and n 1lm 1 1 t Ihird utenue e,r. ,lt'e It.liuw.'.l nirn nndnde .Vulcd lo prreuaite nlm In return. Filiiiig, Laf z-,1 the oilioiier's list ana inauu oil' wi,h It, lionin: Ihetetiy In cunipel Murphy to return, lals levpt'iiui er ttii.t tie it. used lu co, kc.piua; on tne Cur.hen itsked lo account fur lilt h.te sy,tn aico hiti e i-rtcr. he said ir-at hu wn huirjlur honia beeausp ue was h.Mieadeiil.ilukiiu iho nuiy -usplclous. Capl. Gunnerloceu t le man up I') anait ti, aulou of ihe co.uner. Idler lu tbe pioruiuK Mr. Dempse an.l foilotner t ent.tfarii tailed at tui sutiini and swuro 111 itt e tjri.uncr't s.ory was true, mi, I liter, on tkoaiitvjl 01 Coroner Youm:. t ie prisoner waa cmir'iii'.eJ with .Messrs. Cuunnn and Illake, wi.o i.ut.i.vtly swore that tno man was not Tutu alurp iy.tuu 11'ur.larer. uud lhu mau was thereupon disci. -utM ,iuia cuslndy, the Capi.dn aud the Coronerh 111 .. lot: I'iui It nat an urtoutihlnr rcluilueuce.C1U2I1I11. ti.d Ulake, whu are re:anlen at leapedohm u.en, wire oisc.ntu'ed on thtlr nun rueoai2. lice lu itppiar at tho taqueii, I'her r.ty ut ihequ.riil Hi.lci mulled lit Ciu.e.'j death that tl.u.ewits 1.0 rea". 11 lur eituer tiriKiiu a 010. y, cauleyIcves a wi'o and rhi dren.1 1' .liunlirei Is Ueairlhed ns about five fecii ll it I'joiit-s iu i..i:iit, ranur I.0.11IW bni.i, 01 Handr.'ni(ltxion. Mm Irutvu hair, auu weaiiu a uuu-tac-iuuud cat.e.ri.Aiuii; J iio.u ruts out..ix uaiiljju.Puiocilnilotis tc teten uuitt the amount of tkopew eiian "h lu.ii litve l' in r.'Cei.ei'.flen. l!snd P.t"ha. fiinmamer o' the First ArmyCuii s, hi. bieuiti ,'ouiea aliuuiu.'i I liar.Matauio 01 politicians out lldentiy utaert thai Lrtlo ha, Jo, noil Juarez. Il this .a tn t.ji. Juaraz't eitottuu 1. co.toiu.ri'tirr hill mil Motiichar liaa b in raised to ilnill. mu oi I'.i. 1, 1, auu aptu.utoU I .risu al. Hitter uti'treia't au-tir-.Mia.e .n noons are c osln: the cumaierehl housoslu lituipiru bf.'it .e tne iuerefiai.t reiuie .ircut.ylbel"ri.u itnl Uu uu.l.i 01 them vy tht rcvolu-linn.j.iriiit.uir xotjjs.We have itetlved f'o.n r. II, lVtei-nn A Itrolheie1' tin ' fit'i vol un,- ei t tied . Clgiranlt ofI'll f. witn Ihf tttUi'tm 1 tut 11 :t a . ti.l ti lii.,itt.oit'in, ami null tiie iuq.n at 1.. ,1 we i.mU it mlur,' ,'runnu'iein.. nn oimiiun, M II, ue imte iet,t II. and nuopuiiuii ia 1 ml 11 la n,ie I tna t- .r r-ai. atu.,i( ,t amimost iviutiiiu'.ti nut c.t ivot' ai.llt.i in Urn 1.J.H.J la .susce.' 1'nl.ires nrd IM"rt" Is I'e ni me of 'Irs. Annfl. Sun 1 eni 1 1 w ik s ,'i 11 w 1 1 tn .1 nl l lie 1 iihIt-ned In e lutt tlu)' ot 1 lil.i.r ".i 11,111, 1 pbi Ills II , ouilt, nut it , , iii.ii. .. i.,i "(,, nun I I'r.M'n, " 1- nn ettiiuli m it i-ie. ui. n itu- nt 11 t,lint lap'iued Auier, h.itlKT ts. ami 1. mi, ermr tuher wntl 1-ttlJe li ejrul"il woik, " i'uslila.t nud r'n11,1110 " 11 will prnve lo he tho ino.l imnular ouok UnitO.ii.oi.a. rv. wr.ui 1. "laiirtM1'risoct" will he i.iia.I in u lttrau mind' cinio to.'iui'.an nuld by a.l bouite leu ut thu lo.v i'I.cj ol Il.ijlurluih,or I'M in paper uutei.JIltOOhLiX.M.srv Harlye, need 4.1 yrait, rnmi,iltled 'nlclde nt('7' ttreet jctlcraay moaii'i;, uy r.iitKlti'll.Cvrns I. Ptiilth, nf the Union Fenv Company, ItIrvine to cumproinl.e tne Fuuou leny liuutcdiiaiitewith otreet cuniiiuseiuiior Furey.Inimlais entered F. A, Ynndi rstlne's slsurhlrrhou.e at 'Hi llunson nteniiu ou r-.tturiiitt in-1'11. and alteuipled 10 htuw the tine opeu. "lue) uni 1' Oii"r5a(u'fca'v m'oritini; i pari) u Iniuiu'rt, whileinalciittv un cxcuvailun lur acinar at 7,'J'iniaud nv,-.1 uo, tttiii up a ootllu couuluits f art 01 a kuiiiau tkeietun.Ileritnrd Herety, of 1'io.liUiil, in nr J,ii. ttreet.v. t k caul 111 uie In d bv 11 a n-eiti ihe l.t ruen .(reelraiiiiui t iioirs. on tuiurua) iu;iii. und 1 rohaulylaiuli) injuieu,Coroner Jones eoiiclinlrj ihe luiue't ou Siturd ,veveultii: .11 m. ra.u urjnlin 1. 1 -y. w 1 tu tianiw 1 lith t wilu, l.lh'U i,tiev, .it :l Miantie it.,' !. mi iii,- :iui t,fAUauti, ilnijii) rndeifl uuiun'i awui,..t Mr.. 11,le), uud thu ti a. e nil utile. I.Fannie Mnrpliv vent lo the Wushlncmn ttreetpi 1 e mm' :i i-'i t-it tn.niv witn hit dn.u 11 fani nheaains. s.uu,a,ii l.i.n Imd ihm n ntiim witn as.i I'ulati it' A'iniv itn 1 ..luuih.a . tri 0 , und (listlie lalli r n Uiiiui.'il..u' Uml Uie tin. 11 djli'i; I "iKi fs-veti-in -ioauuetc. .'ite 110111 'Tivaci.sdd (. o'se-l to tne Uny llu pnal.I. :ite mi iiutn Kn.'C'i Jiitlyn.a driver nnthe l'aik Avenue II. uliusit. uut lun, itll'a,. and Vantli'.iiilll atenu 1 1 a cai u .n luiitil.t, wnn iru, i" I l,,uitu treat Ihtlu. Hu hit leiurul tile) lu.uulu Peat Inmliurlnc Inc truttln iine of thr u-.iiar rubniil him ol fs.Ilunirt oimU. au.l John bavaue were tustli'iuevtly arJ -lid,XO-VAl''Sani!AT IIOAT JIACK.TlieCrcsTt In Splendid Condition-Why liteTynr Cresr Lost nt llnlllnx rjmller.11 n died for 83,0(, Sept. 10. The wea'.hor to-dny wascold and checrltes, but this did not deter larce numbts drltlns out to the lake to get 1 peep at thecrews. All wore oat In the morning practising.Tho Tyne crpv took a long, steady pull of live mites,nnd tho Taylor-WTosblp crow did about the narnjwork. Both theso crews are In splendid condition,and both are confident of success. Your correspondent had a lone talk with Henry Kolly to-day,and learned from him the reason they performed sobadly nt Halifax. In ihe first Plr.ce ISrliht, tbo manwho took Hcnforlh's place, was anythluz bat fit torow, and In Ihe rsce tbey made a mistake In tlrerli.E by which they had to pull fully a hundred ysrdsfurther than the winning crow. In to-morrow'sraco ihey have the best position, under the leo ofthe ahnre, and thus will have smooth water to rowIn compared lo tboto more In the middle of Ikela he,1 ho friends of t',e Ward Brothers nia very confident, alleiinz tint tho the time they made lu a trialwas 31 minutes and 13 seconds. If this Is true, tnryought to win cislly. The lllflln crew have alsoalso many friends, but the eeueral Impression Isthat tho Wards will beat them. In tho tinclo-scullrace the lollnwlnit will probably start: Coulter,John Illnlln. Kills Mt Gilbert Werd, l'ercy Keller.I!a..-nall and Hmller. Tho latter Is favorite over thohold. To-day Tajlor odered to bit a thousand dotlira that Sadler would win, and Ons Adr is, thehaeker of thu Winsblp new, offered to match Innfor a thou iud pounds storllnz to ro any man 1 111,0 world a tinjle-sr.oll race. Tbo water to-day wasvery rncei, Int tho wind las noateJ to-nitfat, andthe r ire will probiSlv take pliee.On Hiturtlay, while vislloit were Idling; about onthe shore of tha li.he, ei.iu-lnij tt.emseltes as weIhey could nndor tho ilnutnuanein, tho swlttl'inxsnd card sbarplnz fraternity reaped 11 rlrh harvest,Twnofthe Cony I.nnd mruc-c-ird monie arm s,flndlns business ratuer dull, I ad Journeyed to tiaratota. Dat this rnr.nus talr did not get hull tomuch ns the rentlemm who had r.nrco of Ihoroult'tto nnd rou.-e-et-i. i!r tnbles, which t.ttrsetcdmany fools. Tbr-eci".., wl leh nre. It li neod'etslo nty, bare-fared swindles, aro played to a smallho'ise clnso lo f e w.itei'e ede at the Like Itou.oH-..-.': '-.t-Trar.i'.x?W4.,.-7;.)n)t. o.-nalh'6 510011,own!, nil the land cn th) shores of ti e lane, and Iheoni, 01, .er l u el Is kept by Ms si n. Ho stead'asilyrviuses to sell or let un inch of cimind fur bundingpurposes, hs by so ui.liiu he ts itde t j koep the motonulv of tl.o hotel un'.nrsi in his own In nils.Talk nbout famine pric-s I Moon's Hotel seea themall and uots many ier ceul. better. Ho wi'l inilic asuinll forinna outni this race.l'colt. wero sold on br.tnt-J.iy nl.htat JIMtnr i-adlrr to 53 for tho field In theslnzlo neullmce.Doubts aro entertained about I'onltei's slarll.'i".e"rc,l N'.mn, of the MrKee ores', it ill, and his plicats to be Cllul by Uetirze Ycrcer of l'lltsbutirn.3j; jo iu. is u.ii:i;xax 1 zanr.Au t'rup Ion orilto Find lu thr Fount-ruthVnnl-A iiiiitldntp lur Ibn Assrrihly ouL'o 1lr-li Where Cap'. U'nlah tVn.l.ute l'rid ay iiit;ht the hairooni of tho new Meirotul'tnu Hotel was tbo sceno ol a di.liiibanie.eins d by the bol'tert usuess of a candidate for theAt.mi.t)r fron the I'Vum-mD Wird, one CharlesClancy, rlu hoped 10 make n hero cf Mm-ell br astau,t O'H.-ien, the Assist mt Ablernan of tl.o Ward. Clancy was with 1'iVtro C.ipl.Walsh. Ho III Lad hotn previously alminr tlieWidow Clicquot, and ero la high spirits. Caut.W a. nil demanded nl ti'llrlin In sn oh'.-iislvc manner,whethcrhc wat .1 Uiei ran or n Dnwlli z man." 1 inn a Irlend ol botli," qji.tly retponued thrUtile AlJetman.Capl, tViith Tbit won't i'o ; you must doilarnyourself 0.1 one s.Je or the'rr,TV".rarW t'irfilirSslv lio'btnerWaV of Hauling himself into the l.cirislatiiie thanwith b's li-ts. fl.-elsud Mtiuolf nn nrtl-DuwlIn;man, nddiug tnat ll.'cntiin wa coins to move lotust-lxlu Wsrd araln. and luteu 1 to nd dim to 1 1Assrai'uly. As for O'lrlon, bo ruid lake pleasurelu whippinz bin), anl, trito tu his word, CUiicr aiministered to O'llnCn several violent blows.O'Hrlen fur a lime f.ood this with .he calmnessofa pbl'oscphcr, bet at last loibcaiance leased to be nTlttue.aud be struck out ad gtvo Clancy a severedrubbing.blare St.erlC's opponents hate declaredhim a Twclitti Warder, end therefore n lonxrr antitled to tne coi.troi 01 tho party In tht Sixth Ward,he nac tikm up l is ahodu In l.ii hrotner Owen'saourc la the ifinn Lively timet an auiiil,;u.,u,llothe (ai'orxln Itrpubtlruua ttcre IC tiliii-.lbr (It nut,Mr. A. Adofphus llrjdk-y, fmnicrly of llotuii,but now a clttun of Svanuah, Oa., Is la search 0'Gen. (it.. -it. Mr. Urttlli'7 has documents tn showthat ti e Vn'o-i Kcpnbliran party were defeated 1:1Ocorgla tbrouih the Interference of Or nl'a CustomIlrute parte, rirp-'l hocg'rn, end rc'ie'e. He sasthat llov. 1) illorK 1 'Ui d an or ler tu United Ma ctnurihiis and tkeir dnuuttea to uetlroy the oiislnalticket. This was done, end cnnt.icr Mihstiluted cod t hi in 111 .ho hands or white und coloredriilzi ns. Tats order dime omy a te-v lu)a beforett.c clecito.i, aud Jtl Mr. I'.rat.t, In Chauiaiii ciiuulralutio rei i ucd over 0 POU 'ill". This act. nttg .tedby Ornni's party, lo-t tho llepub.ict.ns tl.o etate.Mr. bridle) bus but.i tne regular ilixet anl thesiuriuns one In lilt possession, ond a docunvn"tidied by over 4.1AM cltizont cerufylng tho fai-u H'cwill la." til l woulo mutier bclcre l'ritl.i' ul Qran: 11he can find rial. "ran.,si' ivim j' run Ji.".:c?7.wji.r.nptlt (ri'"t la ..baut tu form socieUa lur f,i.rri'venttou ot cruelty u Aiunult.lleo. Jlrowne. who killed Cant. Adams In M,.ip i., I,.. . em rclrased on Jt,.X)0i,l.The Hi nuil! -nn in ijori'y In Cillfornla will berfiMit, r.M). .tlvo. I, tne isxiiatnt' 1 inJM.iie. l.eleei"! Maror nf m rnei co 0) J.Oe. Duolh". maJutity In 3n 1 11 t;SiA bnl'dtne ultiatid aho- 0 the Tlittlmore sndflhloIttilr. ad. near, Ouio. u at nui ilea on tttudayI-il on lhc iraek w tnnnz in 1 rails mm thet:et. Tsalut were del lyedsix Hours.J.OXO JSJ..1XI).Tbe produce farmer- of ino western end of I.ou"slind. 1'artirulnily lho-e of Qi ieus rnttntv. met taI' on 8liir,ny. in lake amo 1 mi.e .111.; inc rex, lU itii ituin t'.e m-mliWnnud of U arlnu.'iun M irkct. It it nndeittiiiid that too lannert mil peiriunUie 1 unnnon council or tliooiyn lo grant tnem aou.uttsni. ituin t.iu i!iici"M 01 tlio (Hi wuerelhai muill their iro,lnc,t iirhitrnir'.o l Tinru is ul. , ai.h, rem. nt un loot lo oh alii a id 'ce ef crnmn near tneti anunoiu, wliere at t iitianeoi striicmre may be . reelid, and wiern Ihe l-ii'tiict ty eeniMuini nndet a toileiv uaine may moeopul ze tho tinde in l.uut-ehold1. 1,, ilno. : 111 tho i. nm mi tt tnenu iui rertioiu ore ma.iui lu oaia.u a R'ot.ioli a;jin lu NewYork city.vvi:iosmi:.t or vui-sn.Join Maseeit. of 11 .lteuii .Irert, was run overami k Mid b) ul'leoiti'r .Hoot tar In I'.iui.i.j li u,a,,' Wil.on. of St, snd ilthn S il-s. ot W. Oikf.iei t. quaiitill.j latt iiiant, ai-a tNii.uu bit ttcrlet'sn.iu "If.T he eromliistlcn of John Jelllson of Ilsninr, Me.,held for au rl.oged a ietupt M poltun hit 1. He 0) giv, llrjeliii.ue, tetulted lu hit diteltame.Henrv Ccrrtes, reildlng uetr 0 ikl.i id, C tl , cauthte I'll tun, nn 111,'glng li'i p itatoo., .11, 1 mi intu Ue.tJ.Cordet "ui'.'endii'va limiseif to tne enti'orii'es,Vlneeni Iloti.'i'ertv, n enloint nattier, was shotand k.ilnl nn s-tlm at at Nnwt i-tn.t .n , 1 1 llu.Jaunaliripyr, a railroad enuiue, r. i .1 e.- in-t,.'d.A tiuiu-' 10 .11 !i.i b in, at null i and l. linked uoIn 'lit lie ,11, 'j i. rut in. tee t . '.,n on ttit..,ei,m otnt'inir tlu ui' .- i'.i'I nr nai ,111: n ch id 1.1.. , h ies 01. n-ki 1 o. iit 1. (I Dorian, to ;ucr V0111,.itri.u. tu ditlu-o ins uau c.s-honlv afer t o'c'oek )e-lii,uv morning, In ll-clei oiueiil si 10 Morns si ei t, IVier Kt lly nrnwiie andI liiek Malnn.) a ,1 w He quarrel! nl. auu M'tnuav v ,haknturel sete.ey wmio.'ed I'otcr aud Suttu Keny.'lltv Msuuii)t were lotkt-d up.ratrrsi'ii Ti' 13 f-ie(t stn- 't. rrnoJt.l.v4). aT.ftt, ,1 Pirn-ei. it.,1, lin-.Oiii,- nine n tt hat iiitt oiintcan. thu lun .-nmlnini! tti-ii, .6 Ci'unliet sup, wat n (out11 lly heuicit unhu'ur.iuy 11 uht that no mil prubablydlt. lit a.taiiAutt u.uaue.1.Archibald llvan, of 811 Wen Twenty-elghlhstreet, aliemi ltd 10 pick 1.10 pmliet 01 .1. culi Itaker.ol liu flavur ( nt ihe hiier was uiiurs into aThlidatiuu ttr al l Itnl, a. 1 iBd I'l'sil tietis lastuieht and wai air, stt 1. Iwooh.i ih ,'vea wnu wtrnwuh Mm win ln,: tno route ccntnM. Iitaii wntiut ke Iuu III Uie I'litlun., ttieel pot ca tiallou.Wills llr. 1'itiick Alieurue, nt til Cnerry atrecl,wa leiuiinng home mil) i.iormue he tia.seised Hunt nehn.11 .i inrrt lutilal". it 11 ) ki. 110,1 Ililui down. 11U. d hi-1 H'krt. nl .u ami robl.iil Inn. ,,a tlisni. 11,1 ion an 1 a ,. 1 tt u.t 1. aril ii.tin. Yett.riiavin leo.ue Main net minwi lit 11 Miil ik-n, a n n ih'n itii" niv i.ttt, atl litv T-.rsireos" w , .luily Id mined by Mr A.n tune.I mti Oaklev, need t ulienipied lo eunimll u.ei.11 ill t imlel lo rlttTliiVtll,', Dnl ho. 1 0111,11 . un Iimv lie t ul in. ttiioiii ir"in ear 1 . 1 ..r, pa. t, il y -ut orl'. the n.u.ltilii,' Tl.e v inti.u wat tt.-d n, Inn Inr cuteyi. .1 nl.llitl. A Itlit-r was fmi d 11 :i a .i 1 oitiqtnt ing w, 0., ver f.ninl In. oniitiuurle lu M,t.,lu.i,e Hath), I lie 1. ,!. nniit'll In r 10 lou it 11 In 111tui Ih.' nun) tlei-ti tvron. ho nsu tittt.j hor.On Friday mnriiMi: I'uilip TiiIII", ucrd tt i'lvr)rur.nnie l n little iwoveeru,! 1. y l Kc I o111,011 a nr. d.e winch tjiuns liaiittit) nriiuk, puinu liarl)tl,e, .N.i.,siil It'ilitg .nui in ,1,011 iltntu inn, me.tioiiiu aud .re li.e Ini u ttt iiiiutltig aou'it. ilt-iiitira fl, iinlfil Inm nit ino in wutfr Ihe butt, .1 . i-1. rn .1 und 1 Itt in.' eiirt' in unit i.mrn'u. 'lhu'I innr. ,tiv 1. ul un ,ju:i . iuimi, out lm. in'ri'lnima McaLO .Idi'ikd aar I . ...-JJil.y -.ev-ist'-;l'i) .is,-iot-et n---n'V dTe-te..,h'a. 11 loiiy jean 11 aa,., t.l.,'il in t. rUil 0' al 1 1,11. 1, 11, ti r li.'ii l.i. iui- otl in. nat liolilaeid li 011 iho 1 rin.'iifee. mil incu di nhei aleltplui sett Into tlio wit, r lu.-ncl w,,i witn nod bi Iwttsow win' nil Ihe alum the bony ut 11, man wasleioveied aiior a hill l.our't h.uing ly Iwtt hottineu.Coiouer y ouiig oriloied n node 10 tne Morgue lor IItieullt.raii ui, In hit poeurla une '"en I trultrge It at. tvaKis, uaaeuiuuc), sua a buuaie uf oitpvis. ITIIE OLD WORLD'S NEWS, ' ,,MTitAxcn 10 nn rnann most iuM H I1'jiJssExcE of ior.s. kilHA Contplrney Dltcoveicd nt Toiiloii-.T00f ',' 'Hflermnn Troops In be Wltfadrillru Dully-- 1Thiers nnd (Jorlch.'iknlT'a Interview. a jHI'auis, Sept. 10. A conspiracy has, been dlt- jHcoveted at Toulon to burn the arsenal cud liberate f 'rjVthe convicts. sH(Ion. ManlcufTel, coninitnder of the Qcrmsn army IHof occupation, after announcing yesterday the con rHsent of his Government to tbe evacuation of the da ' IHpartiacnls around Farls. dined with 1'rcsident 1 t'-aHHThiers and tiros. Ducrot and Clmnzy. The northern HHHItorts will be ovrcu ite t first 1 niter which ihe troops ,riwill be withdrawn Iroui other poiatl al the rate of ,. ')3.(KOThe number nf ilcilhs In Farls during tbe past 'Hweek was 81.). i'lm rclutnsshcw Ihntliiihuld fsrsr ,SHHIIs Increasing, and becoming epidemic. 'eLKIMinister Foil' cr-Qnertlrr his IntrotlnCed In the .HHAssetnblr, as a provisiuiiitl ami temporary me. sure, iJjHa olll levying, of the proposed Increase la tHtaxation, tu nirct the Immediate demands of the IjHOovcrument. Tue bill finds considerable opposl- , , JHH,SaH1'Anis. fiept, 9. An Interview between M. Thlors IHHand I'rlnee Oorlc iakoff has been sriauscd to take , Hplace at Lausanne, lu Uwltzcrlaud. 1 'HItreiult of ihe rSnlzbnrir Nt coilntlnn. HH1.n1.iN, Hept. 9. Tho Krtua Ztituij an. i-noences the result of tbe nesotlvtloaa at Salzburg aa Ifollow e : "Anuria and Oermauy, In repuiiallninirsressive Ideas, wilt unite clntely tn reotl sc-rcs. HHHs.,n.." "Ocrntiny." continues the h'reut'Z'Utno, HHH"v. s'les Aastrli lo bo strnn. mH Iho Ausliuu. HHHl.mieror aud ttatestccn do ire union with Italy," HTlirrnta to Ituin tho Yattrnn nt Itnme-A I .Hl,t l ler Irom l.nnls Nutialctm to Hit. t'tipe. HHome, HcdI. 0. Tho Allien Society tlircntcns ts ,Hburn the Yailcan. Frecautlons invo been takeau-alut such a cila: ; but In cue au attempt tl ould ( Hbe ai:de ami anatcby should ctnue, tbo le.ldence of vthe I'npe will bopii.tcclcd bj l.l'i' flqs of the f"rf,U HI.dMiiiN. liepi, 10. C.irdlnnl Ilanspavle carries , Mwith b.m a Inter from NapoKn tn the Fit. e. I no (,. Halrli ileal party In Homo uro prt raring for a tlcmuu- irv aletratlon on tl.e 2 titliiel, 'J lie Ilius uie re Hill ed lo I itHmuke n counter demonstration, uud lioublo 11 ta- i ,t ,HHop-lei. . VOl I HHHl'niiitiie r.ntl llliciue lu l'ersln. IlI.oxno.v, Sept. S. The deaths at Tnbrcer, I'cr. ' Lill'HVsltin, ovctniii' Slo per day. '1 ho O.iltllans snd tduj- 1 llfiHelsulnnns are ramrcd In the mountains, ;ij !.u-l:trsi I I ', tIs cuttrtly slopped. Tie iVistaii arm) Put I'ost P 'iHdisliunleil. Bior.1.11 and ilitn.datious Invo almost ' lHcr.titcly di.Mroicd the baz.uts aud gardens tn tea. 1MCinltyofTattrcez. HalDrt itdrul F.ftrct ortiic Hurricane In the West llImllc. jHKihusiuy, Jam., hi'pl. 10. Tho hurricane, olire V.I.U ull. occssloued tti.iueine dau-age In theIsland of Ant every c.uto was daniayed. In iSHthe Is. ond nf Tortcla file cMirchcs v. err blown N 'Haislneni 01 v. lalt. rn.i by Uie hurtiinue. In the Island Hof Hi. Hills tno luu-ra wire oittioicil and furtr tHeM .tes wero nraily lulncd. In ths l.liud of babi Hlht g.unluz crops wcie ditli0)cd. HA (Vulinl Aiuriit-nii Vrtlernllon. HI'.'N.iu.t, Sept. 2. Coniuiissloiiera have keen Bappol-iled 'by tho Out eminent of Salt odor and ;HIli ntlnras to consult upati the policy of ndupllnz :Hti eatures for Ino es.ablitumrut ol a Central Aiuctl- Hcan tedcrutton.tin Ihe Alps, H.N'croniTCt , Sn ilzei land, tJcpt. J. For upward 'HHof t iico day U.rtO C.igllsh or A'uerlcr.u yen! eir.ea Bnamed respectitely Harrow, Morrlsey, nnd Hard- sman, have been mltslnz. They bll Nei.fcLCt I oa 'Hfltue gl. 1 Intt. witlnisit a guide. Intending to einlore :HIhe Jura Mouutslus. and ca Ihe Vita they had out 'Hilu Ueu heard of. HHCnrllst Hlcl lit sJiir.ln. , Hcpl. 19. A ilitliu banco was atlenipU tHrd by I e adneivntsof Don I'srl sin O.ozeo. (Oio- Hcau!j It was suppretaed. HI.nbor Tiuublea In llitlaliini, .1Hm siVLt, 3epl. 10. Tins labor I nml.le enrw HHjtlni-e t.ere. The masters w 1,1 cuctinrnco i luck oal HiHIin Tuy.luy.ATir ,m)'si:r,Last evening Fieilerlck Haiislialler, of 13 Ifsralufl 'slstre.l, vrwaili, wat aiieiieu l,.r 10 kill hu Hiwile Ld daughter with a liayoo.l. " SHHA Ccrmim employed nt a llurlst'a In (Inttrnberg.T.-.outid 1 e.n May ii'i, rnoa. on tue road, sinTcnnsj lirom uver and aitie. He diclou the way to 1110 hut- -HMr. John Fortnnn or Writ Ilerten. while crosjlnr '.HIheiraek .11 1.evi on.oiiSutuM n t-vu. tnr. irtt 1 iiocki t .Muuttii and killed ny nn exi rot irs n. lie wn 'HH0111 of u.i war ot u Hani coi:,tt-g tlour.. ani ,a ji"? ' HHuid net bear ike oxprisi tram cuuiie j,,. " jHj.o.s.s.t rutu,Huore A Co.'. 15a It huuic, St. Louis. Los., t lo.. ' Hli 1 tatt.r.tnee. J AOM.. Jlarrls s' pltno factory, 351 litit Twenty. HHCr.i.irecl it .''. ',.'J'""lm A c" '" "uekt t factory In St. Louis. j,,Itc.iui, lututauu , I11..UUJ. HHNixuit ,1 Cu.'a toui.div, avenue. Kt. Luuls HlLo.s, H.(si llt.illauit'. ll' SM. "'CDJr' ol- ""IS. HJt.'J',Vcr,A 1'""i,il'"a'. I'su ml f letory in Hay JJeaca, HHth 'I'r l l iml. Lom. fj -jiO: uu iut.iraurj. , HHThe Junction IP liroad ',lior. 11 Ca-nhiddre Cltv HaiIii.l., wire buruid .an niaMt. Lcsi, Slj.'NW 1 eo in- HJIn lie englno loim ef fie .m.irlC3n umbrella HHri 111,0 Itoloiy, at Sis, rill, and m l.a.t runv-t Igatn HHsiren, ownet nr t, t'm K ctiinpaiiv. nf which is, T.Vet eit 1. 1-ie.iilt-ni. 1.0.1. e'O.'tt)! In.ui.ntee.ih3.txxi. HHaL 'iiTViolu" I'.u'cd11 A'"'v''J,lol"'a'",'ei'aiiiai;oa HJ'mi -joruxas .tno ut 10 ir.v. 'HHMus'.c In Mount Morris square thla evening,The attention ot tho lloanl of Ucullh is dlrecte-d HHtoUOl Aii'iiuu A,The rstsson or Ihe north nlee nf Uu H,t ill... HUr d:e it tu be sunk iiil.aftcrnonn. HHA 1 or bankers have ollere.l Id supply funds HHto cn.'.-y un theciy cuve. nui. ill dm iug the iitodlu' of HHlauiejaueltiin. BIJllaj Mi'. re f e n W.-t l'urlv sixth atreet died HHstidilenlv oi t-stuiday ni.'ht Id t,iu liquor ttoia si UU'tcith nieuue. HH1Ciniles F.trrt'llr, while ilrnnk. fell out of the HHt, .n.rt Hindjiv nl 1 u Cu.i ..Mlititi.tU tirovt ou HHt ttiitd i), and uu. i i,ej. HHiVi old Iron nillnz tnnt to Inn: bid tlio bsuiin,n I uiun I'.trk tro 11 tin i. italie gazj wai aai I by una. HHtn .1 on hatnrd t lur J.'.OOa. ' " HHI'nronsr livnii si), the I nniense Ju It" Cnn- HHno", outrun)' an nrmltil "I live (ell uptuveu fligula HHuf t. tr- nini not diup an tel. HTi e Demnerats o' Ilangor. Me., I are nominated HH1 1, iir-i Motives Oorntni 1.. lkojntou, Aiuut M. HHlion r . and MMIsmT. l-o irion. "" HjHAny 0.10 Olnlln- nlarin key No, 3,157. will HH0 1 ( m nrnrdln7 It to nnieei- Tottn sad of the HHileal iliirtv icieuth tireei polica.tallou. HHTlie N'e'vYmk I'rintini I .mutiny havj neither HHdlsi olve.i pnrtnci'.Mii 1. tai 1 n ninvn tne illn lu ecu- HHlie tin it. .t. a- erted In yesterilt)'t 'iniee. HHJ. Metiuet, eted fl, of 1121 ttreet. near Ninth HHareiKtt', tiut 1111 ntr uml lulailf n.Jnr ,1 la.t evrutrta' HHb) a liht naaon at I lid nr et and r mini aveuiiu. HHA leniuiislr.tnce against tho thrc iluinM rmnril of HHthe x reu itucki 01 bouili k'iei:hvin 1)ii irtuia il uf HH1 mine Ducat It numc.uuily tuusj by shipping uur- HHKI D. Rpi-ir of Otwrrrt. hheiirt's wair'nnnn onh si'ii tin cane! li ut sniiuuiR. ,)ng at lite mot t.f HH1'illt In.t itreei nd I.t Unci wet ataiullt ,1 in-Q4sivn 0; tiittita, a .u u tluul uiiu tiaitii fh'Jaivd' HHeveuing, HJM iror Vmi Oilsi, the auihnr of the most innrk.Ire 1 nr.. 1I11.1 aninudvti 1 heard, while walking tin HalIho west suit- nl cht,tt,sni .11, i-i. . tut 1 1 bit eh ercteik, HH1 ul Joliue. I utiott lif f,aMOrer uuuu tlm Jeiva, HHCup) 1 igh. le. tiled. HJHi he eeftMin nf li.e t-rrttev natiihei of the out- Hn' tottneitius w II c . 0 tint re. Manv geutlemet Halwhu bate oeeti ttrinatna eh.tinnsgne dining tar .mu. Halliter will be c,in ptiuitu.iitg tnst ,sy thu tiucetlul luo HalI turning wlnur. bu 1 inua Durry a)t. HB' Tho New York llun uopalhtc Medical College, Hnoiv 1 nieiint ii,oi, It. iinnietii )eii', will icntporirily Haluetui't ihe iiiaanitlieu nuilaini kno,y,i a. Ul.tMt lull. IHaion ilnrit.'ioii t tittrt, ilunna ih Hum rt(;ulielto Halleiiiini'te p. new e tiflet-, 011 tho o.rpor (l lueolr. Hal.rrrtti.'rt-iv.rfCi,vntiV:!'5I.--' '--lrs'' "' - - --ihe urguiiicni In the 7Vinr' lihel anil, on the Halitiiillou ni 1 uu Uiuitil ,lo annul tu have the c usg triad jHkl.11 tin-I'etuui'r t 1111, it in ne Duullt heard tbia iiioru. Hi111.- I i .iiii. ,lu ,ki. i Htiiard, at ID o'clock A, M., al Hal,. , 1 ivl 1 erin I .ntinht 1. ,,1 lht. Hupreme t'inirt. Itwni Hallitin ",','' '"' f'Uuieul iiuu ihocil) lujuuc- HJT'u I'l.-h'tirntb Ward Miand'cv Avnclatlmi will flib it 0 u b.g ha 1 : 1 11 111 in 11 .111 nl r or. l'n. on 11 oa I. atHv- est-1 it. Ad it ! r-liu nil") tltu'ia uro Invimt. HalAn lent an.l-. 1.1. 1 wnt al. i he htla in It. .rli lMn linili'lll .qiuie Ml.-i.', llrenoi kt, culeilliu luttta. Himil. I, triioi 0) imiiieui iimuwill hu I lie liaturci ul Hme ei run, . JMLast n.a'it John II un u or M Writ Twenty. Ha" 1 'I'' Fair ia H.i-.ian 1 him tnnuldcr, ufu it , i , n'i m. 11 .fli-,. st, 11 i.ivi.e 1 inm tu take a sHIt'l nt; 1 1.... ii."vi. . a ur aau ' ni i-'t'o t 11. a iiiirtum..- Hfi'i'ua iui mn,,' 1 iui wiiuoiii hu.tiiifc tiuo open. Whoa (HIIhe. rti.itlf.i ittiui 111111 tire.i uul N.n.h aveime, iH1',1'tiiau 11, et.iit'd num.-1 in 1 iit-t . ami titried i,d. laying HIuul he Munid g lion e Ufnwiu 'ilea in tteifiade Inm Hilu May. but tiiuio'ii avail, lie men picketi un a nay. (Hiin ittme, wltu whieii lm uruek Dlstiisn iiuniiing Hibow on tne title 01 hit li-ti, lellina Inm to the sidi sHwalk, UeoKin Ihen mu nn. Die nan wits ii.n ..1 11, Hileuaiulii, an t ttkrit 10 Uie Tt nit in ticett 1 1 u4 !HItatiou. Hen.'ju vt.t ulitirntid niii.ioJ. HJH

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