Byron Jacobs has a solid understanding of poker, but he is not what we would now call poker pro. But he has played a lot of online poker tournaments. In the Moorman's Book of Poker, it's his hands from these events that are analyzed. In the book, in seven chapters, we review 80 hands played by Jacob:
What is exciting in this book are the lines in which Moorman gives non-standard solutions in some seemingly banal situations. Where a poker player playing poker ABC wouldn't have thought of a raise, Chris gives reasons for that. Such a creative approach to the game, taking into account all aspects of the table situation, and not just the most obvious ones, is one of the features that distinguish great players from good.
moorman's book of poker download
The book gives a solid dose of poker knowledge, but it is not a purchase for everyone - it's addressed to a rather narrow group of poker players. Thanks to this specialization, however, it should be more useful for these players.
Those who have just started their poker adventure will not profit much from this book (although reading it will certainly be interesting for them). They won't find simple solutions and 'ABC standards' here. Also, the lines suggested by Moorman often require experience and the ability to correctly identify the factors that allow you to choose such a custom play.
A poker novice following Moorman's suggestions could start to suffer from "fancy play syndrome" where ABC poker is actually sufficient. Players who on the poker experience scale are somewhere between beginner and advanced (of course, there is no exact scale describing the level of advancement, we have to use a generalisation here) can confidently give this book a chance. 2ff7e9595c